BRUSSELS - BELGIUM - 14 APRIL 2010 -- Den danske kunstner Jens Galschiøt udstiller bronze skulpturer af hjemløse i EU-Parlamentet i Bruxelles. Det sker under navnet Stop Hjemløshed!, som er arrangeret af den danske NGO Projekt Udenfor. De har hyret Jens Galschiøt til at lave i alt 13 skulpturer af hjemløse, der repræsenterer typiske historier fra hjemløse i Europa. Photo: Erik Luntang/INSPIRIT Photo..The artist and activist Jens Galschiøt (DK) joins the homeless organizations to put focus on the great number of homeless in Europe by visiting the European Parliament 12th to 16th April..Galschiøt has created 13 big bronze sculptures of homeless people, all in natural size. These very heavy sculptures are by now on their way to the European Parliament to act as the start signal for a debate in all member countries about the conditions under which the homeless have to cope. Galschiøt has created 13 big bronze sculptures of homeless people, all in natural size. These very heavy sculptures are by now on their way to the European Parliament to act as the start signal for a debate in all member countries about the conditions under which the homeless have to cope...